Vancouver 2000
Updated 04/04/04
Bouzov - My Home
US West Coast 1999
Vancouver 2000
Olympic Nat. Park 2000
Mario's Graduation Party
Camping in Michigan
Friends from Detroit
New Year in Paris
Two Rams Party
Easter Egg Hunt
Barbados Vacation
Moscow Trip
Mushroom Hunting
Hunting in Kozov
Boston Aquarium


In May 2000 I visited Vancouver to meet my three friends there. Here you can see some of the pictures I took during my trip.

Carmen, Mariella and Doreen in a local brewery

Breakfast at Doreen's place

Vancouver downtown

Vancouver downtown once again

Vancouver downtown once again

Around Vancouver

Gas Town in Vancouver

Again Gas Town – the most European part of Vancouver

Dinner with friends

Mariella on Capilaro Suspension Bridge

Me and Mariella at Capilaro Bridge

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