Mario's Graduation Party
Updated 04/30/03
Bouzov - My Home
US West Coast 1999
Vancouver 2000
Olympic Nat. Park 2000
Mario's Graduation Party
Camping in Michigan
Friends from Detroit
New Year in Paris
Two Rams Party
Easter Egg Hunt
Barbados Vacation
Moscow Trip
Mushroom Hunting
Hunting in Kozov
Boston Aquarium


In December 2002, Mario finally defended his thesis and became a Doctor. He threw a great party in a cottage nearby Harrison, MI. Mitya took some pictures and here they are.

Graduation dinner for Mario

Bulgarian Twins and Russian Twins

Mario and Yuriy

Sumit and Misha want to be above everyone else

Alex is trying to wrestle me

Guess who is winnig?

Now Katia and Sasha wrestle. Sumit and I are cheering them up.

Time for rest - Yurik, Mario, and Misha

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