Barbados Vacation
Updated 04/05/04
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On June 28 - July 7, 2003, Mario and I have visited Barbados - a small island state in the south Caribbean. It boasts with plenty of beautiful beaches and world famous rum. The drinks are cheap there and the clubs are abundant. They prepare tasty food and local people are always ready to do everything to make you feel welcome. Simply a perfect place for a laid-back and fun vacation.

Barbados is a paradise on the Earth.

The east coast is a little bit rough. Swimming is not recommended.

Hovewer, it is very popular among surfers.

Becase the island is made of corals, you can find there caverns.

One of the most famous products manufacuted on the island are cigars.

Mario is asking about the secret of how to manufacture the best cigars.

Another famous product of Barbados it the oldest rum in the world - Mt. Gay Rum.

It would be great to have a full destilation tank of rum in New York, wouldn't it?

The plantation slaves used to live in these huts...

While rich tourists like we prefer to live in nicer residences.

- What do you think about this house? Let's buy it and rent!

Going to church every Sunday is a must in Barbados.

The central part of the island is covered with forests.

- Men, this flower really stinks!

The Welchman Gully is a cool place to visit.

Mario at a viewpoint.

Black Gzus was our island guide.

Mario, you really have a nice butt.

Gzus and Milos at the seashore...

Both waiting till it starts to rain. It didn't.


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