On this page, you can find lists of my recent
publications and given conference and
seminar talks. Most recent publications or talks are listed first.
Whenever possible a link to the publication is provided.
- Besta, M. and F. Stomp:
An Assertional Correctness Proof of a Self-Stabilizing ℓ-Exclusion Algorithm (Extended Abstract).
In Proceedings of the 11th IEEE International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems
(ICECCS '06), pp. 199-208, Stanford, CA, August 2006.
- Besta, M. and F. Stomp:
A Complete Mechanization of Correctness of
a String-Preprocessing Algorithm. In
Formal Methods in
System Design 27(1-2), pp. 5-27, 2005.
- Besta, M.: Self-Stabilizing ℓ-Exclusion: A Correctness Proof.
Dissertation, Wayne State University, June 2005.
- Besta, M. and F. Stomp:
Mechanization of a Proof of String-Preprocessing in Boyer-Moore's
Pattern Matching Algorithm. In Proceedings of the 8th
IEEE International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer
Systems (ICECCS '02), pp. 68-77, Greenbelt, MD, December 2002.
- Besta, M:
Self-Stabilizing ℓ-Exclusion: A Correctness Proof. Dissertation
Prospectus, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, October 2002.
- Plasil, F., S. Visnovsky, and M. Besta:
Behavior Protocols. Technical Report No. 2000/7, Department
of Software Engineering, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic,
November 2000.
- Plasil, F., S. Visnovsky, and M. Besta: Applying Behavior
Protocols to Components. Contribution at Midwest Society for
Programming Languages and Systems (MSPLS '99), Chicago, IL,
October 1999.
- Plasil, F., S. Visnovsky, and M. Besta:
Bounding Component Behavior via Protocols. In Proceedings of
Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems (TOOLS 30),
pp. 387-398, IEEE Computer Science, Santa Barbara, CA, August 1999.
- Besta, M.: Description of Component Behavior. In Proceedings of
Week of Doctoral Studies (WDS '99), pp. 597-604, Prague, Czech
Republic, June 1999. (ISBN 80-85863-46-4)
- Plasil, F., S. Visnovsky, and M. Besta: Behavior Protocols and
Components. Contribution at Component-Based Programming under
Different Paradigms (CBPDP '99), Dagstuhl, Germany, February 1999.
- Plasil, F., S. Visnovsky, and M. Besta:
Behavior Protocols and Components. Technical Report No. 2/99,
Department of Software Engineering, Charles University, Prague, Czech
Republic, January 1999.
- Sklenar V. and M. Besta: Distributed Objects in Windows. In
Proceedings of Objects '97, pp. 71-80, Prague, Czech Republic,
November 1997. (ISBN 80-213-0363-8)
- Besta, M.:
Abstract Data Views. Master's Thesis, Palacky University,
Olomouc, Czech Republic, May 1996.
Conference and Seminar Talks
- "Self-Stabilizing ℓ-Exclusion: A Correctness Proof," Wayne
State University, Department of Computer Science, Detroit, MI, June
- "Self-Stabilizing ℓ-Exclusion: A Correctness Proof,"
Palacky University, Department of Computer Science, Olomouc, Czech
Republic, January 2005.
- "Mechanization of a Proof of String-Preprocessing in
Boyer-Moore's Pattern Matching Algorithm," Lucent Technologies -
Bell Labs, Murray Hill, NJ, March 2003.
- "Mechanization of a Proof of String-Preprocessing in
Boyer-Moore's Pattern Matching Algorithm," Charles University,
Department of Software Engineering, Prague, Czech Republic, January
- "Mechanization of a Proof of String-Preprocessing in
Boyer-Moore's Pattern Matching Algorithm," The 8th IEEE
International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems (ICECCS
'02), Greenbelt, MD, December 2002.
- "Self-Stabilizing ℓ-Exclusion: A Correctness Proof,"
Dissertation Prospectus, Wayne State University, Department of
Computer Science, Detroit, MI, October 2002.
- "Substring-Preprocessing in Boyer-Moore's Pattern Matching
Algorithm - Formal Verification of Software in Practice," Oakland
University, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Rochester,
MI, March 2002.
- "Substring-Preprocessing in Boyer-Moore's Pattern Matching
Algorithm - Formal Verification of Software in Practice," Charles
University, Department of Software Engineering, Prague, Czech
Republic, January 2002.
- "Description of Component Behavior," Conference Week of
Doctoral Studies (WDS '99), Prague, Czech Republic, June 1999.
- "Components Semantics," Charles University, Department of
Software Engineering, Prague, Czech Republic, December 1998.
- "Distributed Objects in Windows," Conference Objects '97,
Prague, Czech Republic, November 1997.
- "Abstract Data Views," Master's Thesis, Palacky University,
Department of Computer Science, Olomouc, Czech Republic, May 1996.
Acknowledged in Publications
- Plasil, F. and S. Visnovsky:
Protocols for Software Components. In IEEE
Transactions on Software Engineering 28(11), 1056-1076, 2002.
- Rajlich, V.:
A Methodology for Incremental Changes. In Proceedings of the 2nd
International Conference on eXtreme Programming and Flexible Process
in Software Engineering, pp. 10-13, Cagliary, Italy, May 2001.
- Sklenar, V., M. Kudelka, and V. Snasel: A Software Tool for
Visualization of Algorithms. In Proceedings of Computer Based
Learning in Science (CBLIS '96), Opava, Czech Republic, July 1996.
(ISBN 80-901974-0-X)